ACI, one of the first certification bodies being granted the OHSAS 18001 (migrated to ISO 45001 in March 2021) accreditation from Hong Kong Accreditation Services (HKAS)
ACI is proud to announce that we are one of the first certification bodies to be granted ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) accreditation from Hong Kong Accreditation Services (HKAS).
The principal aim of accreditation is to create a single unified approach among many national standards and proprietary certification schemes, so as to enhance the creditability of certification bodies and strengthen the confidence in certification.
The ISO 45001 standard was developed to control and improve occupational health and safety performance. It is a generic standard bases on the idea of embedding systems and processes that define how health and safety issues are manages across the business. It can be applied to businesses of all sizes.
Certification to the ISO 45001 standard heightens adherence to organization’s health and safety policy and procedures. The implementation of it demonstrates due diligence, good governance and competent management committed to health and safety in the workplace. It also demonstrates that the organization has attained an internationally recognized occupational health and safety standard
ACI, as an accredited ISO 45001 third party certification body, we work alongside your company’ health and safety professionals to implement ISO 45001 in your business effectively. We can help you through the process towards becoming ISO 45001 certified company with training, gap assessment and certification audits. For more information, please visit us at